My Aunt Annie and Uncle Ed are celebrating sixty-five years of marriage this year. Sixty-five years! And just as notable, they have lived in their farmhouse the whole sixty-five years. Talk about rootedness.

But now they are getting ready to move into town. They don’t really want to, but sort of know it is better to move now when they’re both healthy and able. But I wish they didn’t have to move. They don’t seem 85 to me- isn’t that something, how age has changed so much? Eighty-five used to be old! But it’s not really that old anymore. People just don’t act old.

I brought Elsie and Hattie to their farm for an overnight last weekend and Aunt Annie taught Elsie how to make her swedish tea ring. And the next morning they made an apple pie and Aunt Annie shared her best recipe for a pie crust. (You may remember Ann and Ed were our pie judges at our first ever pie social!)
We had such a wonderful time. We had a tea party for dinner and Hattie discovered she loves playing pool “without a stick”. And then we were sent home with some incredible treasures: a very long apple picker, my great grandma’s quilt frame, a skirt that Annie made for 4H when she was 10 (which is now Elsie’s new favorite clothing item), all sorts of art supplies, fancy hats and two sets of cross country skis.
And the skis were the perfect gift for the snow we had this week!

It was a very special sleep over and time together. We trust that the Lord will lead them to a good place in town and will pray for a nice family to buy their farm to enjoy for the next 65 years.