Family-Centered Economies That Have Stood the Test of Time
by Rory Groves
With over 30,000 occupations currently in existence, workers today face a bewildering array of careers from which to choose, and upon which to center their lives. But there is more at stake than just a paycheck.
For too long, work has driven a wedge between families, dividing husband from wife, father from son, mother from daughter, and family from home. Building something that will last requires a radically different approach than is common or encouraged today. In Durable Trades, Groves uncovers family-centered professions that have endured the worst upheavals in history—including the Industrial Revolution—and continue to thrive today. Through careful research and thoughtful commentary, Groves offers another way forward to those looking for a more durable future.
“Not every book is necessary—not by a long shot—but Durable Trades is necessary.”
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“Mr. Groves recovers a profound truth: a job is not an end in itself; it is rather one means—and only one means—toward building a rich and satisfying life, toward human flourishing.”
—ALLAN C. CARLSON, editor of The Natural Family
“If you desire to build your life and work around a durable, resilient, and family-centered career then Durable Trades is an excellent place to start your journey.”
“An excellent introductory guidebook, the first foray into making the Christian Family-Work Movement a practical reality for ordinary people.”
“This book is a refreshing reconsideration of the exaggerated promises of progress and “the future”… Something better than the rat-race is available. And that’s the point of Durable Trades.”
“Impressively informative, exceptionally well written, thoughtful and thought-provoking, Durable Trades is especially and unreservedly recommended.”
“The book . . . has a prescient and nearly prophetic voice, as is often the case when reminding people of forgotten truths.”
“Durable Trades is more than a career guide; it’s a treatise on why certain professions have always been necessary and what makes a career fulfilling. It is also an argument for a return to family-centered economies rather than a focus on climbing the career ladder.”
“Even if you’re not searching for potential new careers, Durable Trades is a great read, describing how our fragile economies have compromised other values in life and offers discussion on ways to refocus on our jobs, families, and communities.”
“Beautifully written, and timely. . . an outstanding work that will inspire individuals, families, and communities.”
“This book should be in every home and school library. Rory profoundly evaluates and articulates the significant impact that the Industrial Revolution had—and continues to have—on society and culture. One is awakened to how much, as a culture, we have paid for ‘convenience.'”
— PAUL GAUTSCHI, Master Gardener and originator of the Back to Eden gardening method
“Here is a preeminently relevant, strategic, and helpful book for families in the twenty-first century! With the extreme instability and upheaval that so characterizes the debt-laden world economy today, Christian families will need such a resource as this to both survive and thrive.”
— KEVIN SWANSON, Generations Radio
“Durable Trades is a book designed to help people identify trades that can be held by households—household-friendly trades, you could say—as well as trades that are likely to remain viable for the foreseeable future. His book merits your consideration.”
— C. R. WILEY, author of Man of the House and The Household and the War for the Cosmos
Interviews & Reviews
- Winner, 2020 Silver Nautilus Award
- Finalist, 2020 Midwest Book Award
About the Author

Rory Groves is a technology consultant and founder of multiple software businesses. Several years ago he moved his family from the city to the country to begin the journey towards a more durable way of life. Rory and his wife Becca now reside in southern Minnesota where they farm, raise livestock, host workshops, and homeschool their five children.
Permission is granted to use any artwork or photos associated with this book for reviews and promotion:
• Book Cover Art
• Author Photo (credit: Jennifer Sanders Photography)
• About the Author and Background
Where possible, please include a link back to this page: https://www.thegrovestead.com/durabletrades
Great job building the gate door, Ivar! Perfect fit!
I enjoyed your book, which I got for Christmas, so much I sent a copy to one of my sons who may enjoy and eventually act upon it.
I have been “homesteading” with my family for some 16+ years and practicing some of your “durable trades” at least part time for those years. But slowly I am relying more and more on off-homestead (less durable) jobs. Your book is motivating me to get back to where we want to be as a family.
Jim Curley
Jim, this made my day! Thanks for the good word.
Hello Rory and hope you’re enjoying the fruits of your labors!
Having trouble sourcing an ebook version of Durable Trades. WIPF site didn’t want to work for me — said I had to register but didn’t display a registration form. Christian Books has only the paperback. So I trudged over to Amazon, and found paperback, hardcover, and Kindle which I don’t use.
Any suggestions on whiere I might obtain an ebook version?
Hi Janna-
Wipf & Stock’s phone number is (541) 344-1528. They should be able to help you resolve the registration problem.
Will you be publishing an electronic (PDF, Kindle, Nook, etc.) copy of Durable Trades?
Hello Rob, yes, an e-book version is available from the publisher or other online outlets. We only sell the hardcopy ourselves.
Any plans for an audiobook? My son is interested in reading this but does much better with audiobooks.
An idea: Read aloud the book to your son and record it. Or a family or neighbor Read aloud and record.
Amen, brother. So grateful for your utterance on the STS Training. I don’t see how to sign up for your newsletter here so can you sign us up? I have felt led, I believe by the Lord, to move our family in this direction, but am not getting much indication of how to make the move. Could you pray for us, for the Lord to make it clear how to move forward? I am just doing what I can to learn and prepare and am praying that is what the Lord is doing right now. Thank you for your stand! That is what the Lord asks, for us to stand. Praise Him.