Our Santa Lucia Day was a winner from start to finish. I took this picture the day before when the girls were both in good moods.

Good thing I did, because the next morning when it was time for Elsie to put on her crown, she threw herself into my bed and said gruffly, “I’m not doing it.”
So guess who got to bring everyone cookies in bed?!!

And clearly she was not sad about this turn of events on bit. She had been up for an hour with me already, helping get everything ready. Elsie was totally fine getting back into her own bed so that she could eat cookies and hot chocolate under her own covers. It all worked out beautifully and if there is one thing I’ve learned over the years with this early morning tradition it is just to sit loose in the saddle. Alden was really amazed that he was getting a cookie in his crib.

After morning chores, we loaded up and drove to Mimi and Papa’s to celebrate with them. And Elsie was ready to shine her candles! Their whole house is decorated in beautiful Swedish Christmas decor as Mimi is a very proud Scandinavian so it felt very fitting to be there.

Then we loaded up and went to my parent’s house which is just 8 minutes away from Mimi and Papa’s new place. How awesome is that?! My mom had made sugar cookies to decorate so we took some time to frost (or if you were Alden, just eat) Christmas cookies.

It was snowing all morning⏤beautiful snow globe snow⏤which added to the festive feel of the day. Driving back home was less fun, and had me nervously singing every Christmas carol as a way to calm my white knuckles on the steering wheel. But we made it and when we got back home we found two boxes of LUCIA ROLLS from Auntie Lisa!! She had made them for our special day! I always say Lisa is Above and Beyond, and making us homemade Lussekatter (saffron buns) is just another example of this.
It was a great Lucia morning and continues to be a favorite Christmas tradition of mine.