Wow…! ? We are so excited to hear from all of you about our new book! Here’s a sampling of some of the feedback:
“Your book is a wake up call.” -Joe
“You’ve made a serious dent in my thinking.” -John
“It’s a great easy read and offers pertinent information. Especially those looking for a change. It’s given me lots to think about.” -Miriam
“I have read several business/career books, but they never explicitly talk about if the family can be involved or not, and to what degree.” -Bret
“During these crazy times your book is giving me some hope.” -Darla
“A remarkable resource—basically a career guide for people who think rootedness, belonging, and family life matter.” -Jake
“Parts of it feel a bit prophetic… Can’t wait to buy a couple copies for some friends!!”
-Nickie“One of the most important resources of our generation.” -Kevin
“I’m only a few chapters in on this book. But already, I think it will recast the mission and vision of work for many people.” -Madison
“Best Christmas present ever!” -Lorry
Your Reviews Matter!
For those of you who read the book, we would greatly appreciate a review on Amazon or Goodreads.
Our publisher has told us that positive reviews on Amazon and Goodreads are the #1 driver of sales. Since we are starting our own family-centered economy, we can use all the help we can get!
How it works
Positive reviews on Amazon (4-star or higher) will increase our book’s visibility in search results. When someone is looking at a book by, say, Wendell Berry, Allan Carlson, or C.R. Wiley, similar books are displayed on those pages as a suggestion. But there is only space for a few books to be shown. When you give our book favorable reviews, it bumps it up a notch and increases our chances of being seen by new readers.
Once the book gets enough positive reviews (say a few dozen), it will get noticed by enough people to keep it visible for a long time. Most books, even wonderful ones, never get enough reviews to get noticed by the people who would love to read them. You are our best chance of standing out in a very crowded marketplace!
How it works on Goodreads
Goodreads is not as familiar to most as Amazon, but it is a very influential website for authors. It is basically a social network for book lovers. If a book (especially a new book), gets enough positive reviews, the site will recommend the book to its members. Every positive review is like a vote towards this goal.
Thanks for your help and a very Happy New Year from the Grovestead!