I have this image of a pile of leaves, caught up in the wind. They swirl around in the air, and it’s beautiful and fun and chaotic. For me, every one of those leaves is a story or a funny thing one of my kids said, or a moment I don’t want to forget. My life as a mother right now is so beautiful and fun (and tiring and full!)- but always with a side of, “I hope I don’t forget this.”
I kept a blog for nearly 12 years, starting around the time we got married and right up to the birth of Elias. For a season I was blogging nearly every day. I never had sponsors or monetized the thing. For me it was just a wonderful posture, to always be looking for the story from the day, to take the picture of the moment I didn’t want to forget and to write about why I didn’t want to forget it. I printed out that blog into twelve hardcover books, one for each year and my kids LOVE reading those books…so much that pages are already falling out.
I think it is Ivar who has been the most persistent over the years, “Mom, you have to blog again. You have to write down the funny things these kids say so they have them written somewhere.” He mentions it probably monthly.
So I’ve decided to just start. Well, I decided that two weeks ago, and here we are today. So I have set a goal of writing two posts a week. But maybe I’ll get inspired and go bananas. Or maybe I’ll go quiet again for months… But the goal is simply to capture one of those leaves in the pile that is swirling around in the wind, and pin it down with a picture and some words. I’m not a scrapbooker, my kids don’t have baby books, instagram is shortening my attention span, and I just miss a good old fashioned blog post. So here we go.