Much to our delight, registration for our Farm & Family Fair is filling up quickly, so I wanted to take a minute to make sure you know you are invited to this fair right here at the Grovestead on Friday/Saturday Memorial Day Weekend (May 26-27). Register Here
We’ll have farm festivities, a craft fair, baked goods, music, homesteading talks and lots of things for kids to see and do.

Some things to expect: baby farm animals (lambs, goats, chicks, bunnies and pigs), goat-milking, sawmilling, handicrafts, plants/garden starts for sale, and many other things that would take too long to list here.
In the spirit of an old-fashioned county fair, we’re holding a pie contest this year… Pie social to follow! (afternoon sessions)
And most importantly… there will be lots of other families coming who are interested in these things. A great chance to make some new friends with other families who are walking a similar path.

The idea of this fair was to showcase families working together. We have found that people really resonate with the idea of a family economy, but then feel a bit stuck—what would it look like in our family?
So we have asked a few families to come and demonstrate what they are doing to build their own family economies. This means if there is anything you feel you want to get into, there are humans right there in the flesh to ask questions, hear their story, and get some inspiration.
Nobody in this group has a famous YouTube channel or a fancy storefront. We are all just families trying our hand at working together!

We have a brief line up of kids telling of how they work with their families, telling of their morning chores and caring for animals. Our goal is that the kids who attend go home excited and inspired to help in their own families.

We’ll also have a “Locally Made” table with products from families who live nearby but couldn’t attend in person. Rory and our good friend and homeschool speaker Jared Dodd will share a little about self-sufficiency and building stronger families.
And as if that wasn’t all enough, there will be a kid’s corner with a corn box, crafts and Hattie has asked to have a booth called “Play with Clay with Hattie Joy.” Honestly, you may just want to come for that!

So please come! It’s going to be a good time and I just want to be sure everyone knows they are invited.
See you at the fair!
Click here for more details and to register

1 comment
Sounds great. I’ll be there.