Well, the first thing I have to report is that Rory and I just celebrated four years of After Dinner Walks. We started this on a whim, on a stunning fall night walking our gravel road and said, “we really should do this every night.” The next night it was raining and the next snowing and blowing but still we walked and wondered how long we could keep it up. And here we are!
So for the past four years we have walked our road each night, no matter the weather, come what may. And what has come of it is a very happily married couple. (We have missed a few nights in there, when sick or having a baby… but by and large, we don’t miss a night.)

These sheep pics were taken one Saturday morning when we were doing a million different work projects on the farm. I looked over and saw Rory sitting with the sheep. It was such a sight. So I went over and had a snuggle too. This is me and Esther, our best mother and my personal favorite of our flock.

Then Hattie and Elias came by pulling Abel in the sled.

Speaking of Hattie, she turned nine in October and when asked what she wanted for her birthday dinner (her dad said she could pick ANYTHING, even anywhere out to eat) she replied, “Hotdogs!”
We made it a wiener roast and added smores to the menu too (with bananas and peanut butter cups- her idea.) Hattie is a joy.

Abel is now two, and desperately wants to be doing school with the big kids. Actually, he just desperately wants a writing utensil in his hand to write on whatever is nearby. Walls work great. But if he has a workbook, he will settle for that as well.
On this day Hattie was learning how many quarts fit into a gallon and so forth and I felt so happy for my kids that they know their pints and quarts so well. I think I was in my late 30’s before I had it all sorted out. I always got them mixed up. But we can so much that this day of math is just fun.

So we’re feeling the goodness of routine, being home, tucking everything in, and enjoying our lovely farm. It really is stunning time of the year.

Both outside and in!

1 comment
thank you so very much for the inspirational stories and the work you are doing. I would love to visit! Kelly and I am so very grateful to share with others!