There once was a mom who was backing out of her garage to meet a friend for dinner. This was exciting…this mom rarely does something like this and the thought of a plate of tacos sounded amazing, plus the company of a dear friend.
As she backed out of the garage, she saw a horrific sight. Callie Whiskers, her daughter’s beloved kitten, beloved because she has put doll clothes on this kitten, carrying it around like a baby, dropped out of the van’s warm engine and was in a bad way. The author of this tale will leave it at that.
The mom stopped the van, ran to the cat, covered her mouth and said, “oh no, oh no, oh no!” and apologized profusely to the mama cat who was watching this whole thing. Then the mom ran to tell her husband.
Eventually, she left for dinner and because of the stress of the evening, chose to order a deep fried chimichanga in a cheese sauce instead of the tacos.
When she came home the kitten was looking terrible in a little box in the downstairs shower (the in-home healthcare that all animals visit when needing extra love on the farm). Callie Whiskers’ very whiskers were nearly shaved off her face. Her nose had been clipped and her mouth was sore. The family began to feed her milk with a tiny medicinal syringe every few hours. They did this for five days.
Callie did not like it one bit. But she would not eat on her own, as her nose was all plugged up. She was very snuggly though, totally willing to be held all day long. And between the seven in the family, she actually was held all day long.

She was a day to day worry. She seemed to be improving, but internal injuries seemed so likely. But happy news! Today, seven days later, that kitten has made a full recovery and is sleeping by the fire at this very moment.
The mom and dad of this family had a house cat when they were first married. But when they moved to the farm it was decided that all animals would remain out of the house. Which has been basically true, except for the two months a baby lamb lived in the livingroom and the weeks where baby chicks stay warm under heat lamps in the bathroom.
But now there is Callie. Callie Whiskers. Callie Whiskers who wears doll clothes and nearly died, but survived. And who is just so friendly and tame and snuggly.
The farmer of the house continue to warn everyone, “remember, that is still an outdoor cat.” But that same farmer has also been known to say (with Callie on his belly), “she really is a sweet kitten.”
Which makes the mom of this house very hopeful…
1 comment
Great scot! What a story! Same thing happened in our family to a wild cat and didn’t turn out good at all, sad to say. Merry Christmas, anyway!