On Wednesday Hattie and I walked out to milk the goat and when we passed the garden, hundreds and hundreds of black birds ascended into the air. They moved like a school of fish…one of my very favorite things to watch in all the world. To see birds move as one, all knowing to go left, up, right, forward is mesmerizing to me.
We watched until they were out of sight and I said, “I just love that, God.” And Hattie repeated, “I just love that too, God.”
Later we were telling the family what we had seen and Rory said, “that’s my corn!” and began making speedy plans to harvest it all before the birds stole our harvest. And as he began making his plans it dawned on me, we need a scarecrow. Like not just for decoration, but for a purpose!
This is a fun epiphany I have had before. All fall decor is just stuff laying around the farm: hay bales, corn stalks, buckets of apples… pumpkins are growing on the vine by the cabin. And if you want to decorate with fake cobwebs and spiders, I have cobwebs in every corner of my house, many with the wispy spider nearby. The fall decor takes care of itself, really. And now this? An actual employed scarecrow?!! It was so exciting to me.
Now as you can see my scarecrow took me 11 minutes and $4 at Menards for the head. But I still love it so much. And no matter how much duct tape I put on the vertical pole connected to the horizontal pole, this scarecrow wants to lunge right. For a hug, I like to think. (Here is hugging our friends, Rachel, Dalton and their sweet boy Elliot.)

So here it is. My first legit, needed scarecrow. To scare actual crows. Fantastic.