They say the flames that were meant to burn Lucia simply danced away from her and she would not catch fire. As her executioners stood there, trying to silence the brave, young girl who would not deny her faith in Jesus, she spoke plainly of how the Lord had healed her mother, how Jesus has called us to be the light of the world, and how the end of the persecution was near. The soldiers did not know what to do. She kept talking and the flames of their bonfire would not touch her.
In their frustration (and fear) they volunteered the youngest soldier to then put a dagger through the neck of the brave, young girl who would not deny her faith in Jesus.
She died, but her words did not. News of her death and what she had lived for traveled. And then her dying words were proven true. Within a decade, Roman Emperor Constantine allowed Christians to freely profess Christ. What this brave, young girl who would not deny her faith in Jesus had said in the fire that day, was true.
Lucia had a reputation for being a generous woman of integrity, giving her dowry away to those in need. And when she had refused to marry the man to whom she was betrothed, he turned her in to the Roman authorities who had her murdered for her faith in Jesus.
This morning I asked my kids, “Do you think Lucia was scared? Do you think she was sad? Do you think she felt lonely and afraid?” And we all agreed that yes, she most definitely felt all of those things. But she still did the right thing, even though it was the hard thing.
And that light always shines the brightest of all. The light of a true conviction in Christ Jesus, the Light of the world. The darkness simply cannot overcome it.
Very nice blog im glad i came across your site!wonderful family wonderful recipes which i am about to try a few since i have 5 pumpkins that wont be going to waste!
Thank you for sharing this story of Lucia and her commitment to stand for the Lord even in the face of severe persecution that eventually led to her death. We can be tempted to not stand for the Lord in various situations-in jobs, on social media, or in our various real-time relationships, (homeschool, homestead, civic, church) etc., bc of fear of what we may lose-popularity, a promotion, or a favored opportunity…rarely do we consciously think of the cost of our very life for the sake of Christ. I personally have been struggling with a recent “loss” bc of my husband’s stance regarding C19 testing/jab policy that cost him his full time fire and part time law enforcement employement. It happened December 2021 and the I have been encouraged as the Lord has been faithful to provide for our family of 6, but this December he lost his law enforcement certification bc of not being able to get hired…the sting of THAT loss hurt so much more. Lucia’s story is an encouragement. I know our hope shouldn’t be in the things of this world and we still have our very lives to glorify Him on earth until He call us home. Perhaps the Lord may receive MORE glory & honor as we are SO much more dependent upon Him for everything daily than when we “knew” exactly what was suppose to come in from gov’t employment. The Lord is truly our Great Shepherd-may He get all the glory as we continue to feast upon His pasture until He returns. 🙏 🐑
Thank you for this testimony as it helps me to keep sharing the gospel each night with my siblings and friends