I have started keeping this page open on my laptop so when my kids say something worth remembering, I come to write it down verbatim.
Elias woke up grumpy and in the dark, “Turn the windows on!”
Elsie said, “Why do babies have to cry when they’re tired? I mean, just go to sleep. Just skip the crying part…”
Hattie told me on Ivar’s birthday, “Mom, you don’t have a 11-year-old in the house anymore. You have a 12-year-old in the house anymore.”
In a public bathroom Elias asked who made the bright pink squirt soap. I said, “I don’t really know.” He said, “Probly God and some ladies.”
Alden walked up out of the blue, “Mom. What if there was a store called Sozzle’s Nozzles?”
Elsie said to me, “Man, whoever invented grapes did a great job. I mean, I guess that was God. He really did a great job.”