We’d love nothing more than to give our newest book Durable Trades away for free. Unfortunately the publisher, who sets the prices and pays for printing, won’t let us do that! But requesting the book at your local library will help us get it into the hands of SO MANY MORE families than we could ever sell to directly. Would you help us?
Here’s how to do it:
1. Visit your library’s website and look for a Book Request form or email address, often located under the “Contact Us” link. If you have trouble spotting it, just give the library a call.
2. Copy the text below and paste it into an email or web form (modify to suit):
I am a local patron of your library and would like to request a new book to be carried there. It is called "Durable Trades" and it's about family-centered professions which is something we are interested in learning more about.
Here are the details:
Title: Durable Trades: Family-Centered Economies That Have Stood the Test of Time
Publisher: Front Porch Republic / Wipf & Stock
Author: Rory Groves
ISBN: 978-1725274143
Thank you for your consideration!
That’s it! There’s no guarantee the library will stock the book, but many will.
As an added benefit, you will not only be saving on the book yourself but making it freely available to other families.
Leave a comment below, and we’ll be able to follow up with the library to make sure they receive a copy!
1 comment
Requested at Northfield Public Library in Northfield, MN. 🙂